Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First attempt at this

So I have been saying for months that I was going to start a blog. I have no idea when I will have time to post on it or what I will post, so this could be interesting. I never thought I would do this pre-kids because what exciting happens in a young, busy couple's life....from the past year- A LOT! If you know me I never have a camera on me (except for my phone). I don't even own a camera. The one we have is Chip's camera that he got for his birthday a few years ago when we were still dating, but I guess since I married him it is mine now too. Maybe if I start blogging now and get used to having to take pictures then our children (still a few years down the road) will have pictures of their childhood. I hope everyone can hang in with me throughout this as I get used to it and hopefully don't forget about it like I tend to these days. Worth a shot right?

1 comment:

  1. I like your blog and think it is very interesting! Of course I am your mother so anything you do is stupendous to me!! Keep it going as you can. I love you mom
