Wednesday, December 15, 2010

To Have a Life Again

Last weekend was a big weekend for us at the Holliday house. I graduated from nursing school and had my pinning ceremony. I took my last exam on Tuesday. I am very happy to be done, but unsure of what to do with myself. Each day, I do not think I have a lot to do and end up spending the whole day busy running errands or staying busy. It is so nice to have my evenings back and be able to cook dinner, watch TV, and just be with Chip. 
After completing my last exam Tuesday, I got an e-mail from The Med where I had applied and interviewed for a Labor & Delivery position. The nurse manager said they were going to offer me the job, but had to repost the position so I could reapply and then they could offer me the job. I am now waiting for them to repost so I can reapply. That is definitely an answer to prayer. God has worked it all out, and made me realize how in control he is. I have been applying for jobs since September with very few responses. The Med was the first place I interviewed and my dream job. I am very happy that it is going to work out, and I know that it will be a great mission field for me to encourage women here in Memphis. You would think that I would have learned to trust God a lot more by now since he did get me through the hardest year of my life, but I am only human and like to think I can do it all, but I can't and I will never be able to. I am so happy to start the next phase of my life with Chip (and not be in school anymore)!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

The weekend Christmas was almost cancelled!

We came back from Jackson (my parents) on Saturday morning after Thanksgiving. On Sunday, we skipped church to try and get some stuff done around the house. We started with raking the leaves. Last year, it took two days and 18+ garbage bags. Since the tree fell on the house in January, we knew there would be a lot less leaves, but when we started raking I didn't think it would take any less time (maybe it was because of the full stomachs from Thanksgiving!) I asked Chip if he thought we could mow and bag the leaves and make it go faster---1 hour later, we were done!  We decided to move onto the Christmas decorations. We thought we would put some lights on the three arbor vitae trees (Chip calls them our Christmas trees) in the front yard. We went and bought more lights for outside and extension cords to plug each set of lights from each tree, then into the lit garland hanging over the porch. This was a brilliant idea. I had also bought more garland to wrap around the posts (last year we just put it across the top part of the porch). We got home and I had bought the wrong kind of garland (without lights) so I went back to Target to buy garland with lights. I came back home with the right garland while Chip was putting the lights on the trees. When I came home he said that the extension cords will not plug into the lights because they were 3-pronged outlets. I didn't mention that we have ONE outdoor outlet in the storage room in the carport. So, we decide the trees just weren't going to get lights and we started hanging the garland. I opened up the three boxes of garland and it is much thicker than what I bought last year. It would be too economical for Target to carry the same garland two years in a row.... Once the garland was up, it looked funny because some was thick and some was thin, so we pulled all the thick garland off and it was going back to Target. We decided we would do what we did last year because at this point we just wanted it to work! I believe Chip's words were "Christmas is cancelled this year!" ( I think he tells me that every year). The good thing was there were no fights, I think we felt so defeated by the lights that we couldn't argue about anything.

Yesterday, I took back all the garland and extension cords. I thought I would look at Lowe's and see what they had that could work for the lights on the trees because Chip really wanted lights on them. So, I bought two extension cords, a three-outlet adapter, and a two-to-three prong outlet adapter. I came back home and was going to get it all set up before Chip came home to surprise him. Everything worked except the two-three prong outlet still wouldn't fit into the lights! Which was what would connect to the outlet in the storage room to give them electricity. But I was not giving up this time! I decided I would just use another extension cord and have two different extension cords in the one outlet in the storage room. It worked!!! We now have lights on all three trees and more extension cords than an electrician!! Chip got home and just laughed at what I had created. It's a good thing he loves me!
On Sunday (in all the craziness), Chip's cousin, Jackie asked us if we wanted to borrow her artificial tree this year because she wasn't going to be able to use it in her apartment. We always get a real tree, but are leaving on Dec. 26th to go visit my brother in Seattle so we don't want to leave a real tree up and I refuse to take it down on Christmas Day, so we thought why not? And most importantly, it was free. Monday we picked it up from her and took it out of the box on Tuesday night. It was folded up like an accordion. Putting it together was an interesting task. I believe at one point we had the bottom (which is much fuller) in the middle. It looked kind of funny. We finally got it together and put some extra colored lights on it along with some ornaments. The star wouldn't fit on top because it needs a good sturdy limb to hold it up, but I had a ribbon that worked well. I think it looks very good, even though the fresh pine smell is not there. I am thankful for the tree and it brings the Christmas cheer into the house.
Tomorrow the stockings will go onto the piano (our mantle). One day at a time. 

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I have a lot to be thankful for this year, I am going to list a few things:

1. My relationship with Christ: This has been extremely important in getting me through this year. There have been many nights and days I have cried wondering what in the world was going on and where God was in all of this. He has had His hand in every aspect of this nursing program. There are many times when I have had to go to the Bible and look at His word to hear exactly what is needed. A lot of times it is scriptures about worrying and my future since these to be my two weakest areas. One scripture I always need reminding of is Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

2. My husband- Chip: I know that I could never had made it through this year without Chip. Not only has he been supporting me financially, but he is also there for me emotionally. He listens to me scream, yell, and holds me when I cry. There have been times where it has been much worse than others, but everyday I cherish him and all that he has done for me. I struggle a lot of times to tell him just how important he is to me and how much I appreciate him being there, because he always is. I know that if we made it through this year, we can do anything! He has worked hard and put up with me at my best and my worst. I love him so much and am so thankful for him!

This photo just shows Chip's sense of humor. He downloaded a program at work to create this from a photo and it hung in our living room for about a month. I will never again say "I could really use something to hang on that wall in the living room" because this is what I get!

3. My family: My parents, brothers, grandparents, sisters-in-law, and in-laws have all been so supportive of me throughout this year. They have been encouraging to Chip and me every step of the way. When we need it, they are there to offer an encouraging word or prayer. I am so thankful to have all of them in my life.

4. My friends: Every single one of them that I have just met through nursing school (and only known a short time) and those that I have known for many, many years have been there for me to support me. I am thankful for all of the support that they have to offer.

5. My health: I have made it through this year and most of my life with very few health problems. This year has made me realize just how important it is to be healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle. Chip and I are going to start working on maintaining our health through diet and exercise (which we rarely do). I have to walk Riley at least a few times a week, but that is a short little walk (with lots of stops for potty breaks). It is more than I would do without her though.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Only One More Month!

I am such a terrible blogger. I keep saying to myself (yes, I talk to myself all the time) that I am going to try and be a better blogger and post more than once a month. Well, it hasn't happened. Let's see what has been going on over the past month....

I was able to go with my mother in law, Dianne; sister in law, Allison; and Chip's cousin, Jackie to look at wedding dresses for Allison who is getting married in June. She had found a dress the day before we went so we got to do the easy part of wedding dress shopping and were able to see the dress she picked out. She also picked out the bridesmaid's dresses, which are very pretty. She is so happy to be getting married and I am happy to be apart of her big day.

We had a good Halloween. We were able to give candy out to all the kids that came by. There were a lot more than I thought would come, but we still had a lot of candy left. I think I overbought! Chip is going to take some up to school to give his kids because we don't need it all here at the house. 

At the beginning of November, I had to take a comprehensive exam that covered everything we have learned over the past year and predicted how we would do on the NCLEX (nursing licensing test). Quite an overwhelming task I must say. It was based on tests we have taken for each class that we have finished. I have had to retake two tests, so it made it difficult going in not knowing if I would pass this one. We had three chances to pass, but I really wanted to be done with the first test--and I passed on the first time!! I was so excited. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. I can relax and just take the tests we have taken since January.

I also had a job interview on Tuesday for my dream job--labor and delivery at the Med. The Med is a local hospital that takes in a lot of high-risk patients. The pregnancies that they see are very high risk. It would be an excellent learning experience and I am honored just to be interviewed. I should be finding out something by the end of the week. I think the interview went well, but we will just have to wait and see what happens. I know that God has a job out there for me and if this is not it, then God will open up another door for me. I know that door will be opened in God's timing, not mine. I have learned that I cannot control this job search, so there is no need in trying because God has something out there for me. 

Now with exactly one month left of school, I can't believe it is here. Sometimes I feel as if we just started, but it has been 10 months of hard, rigorous school! I have made it out alive. 

Monday, October 18, 2010

Dreams of a new kitchen

Lately, I have been thinking about what we should do in the kitchen when we redo it in the (hopefully) near future. When we moved in, we knew the kitchen needed to be redone. The previous owners had taken off the cabinets and replaced them with basic painted plywood. Nothing special, but we wanted the original cabinets. They are very deep, which I love since there are very few cabinets. The drawers all need to be replaced because none of them ever close all the way without some major hip action. Luckily, I have the hips to close them! :) First, I guess you need to know how our kitchen currently looks.

Our kitchen now is small, cluttered, dark, and has the "dorm-room special" washer and dryer. I would like to move the washer and dryer out of the kitchen and into a closet near the bathroom. I want to put a pantry in the kitchen and make the pantry into the coat closet it used to be.
Here are the ideas I have:
A desk set-up to put next to the side door so the kitchen table stops being the "drop off" area for stuff.

Or maybe this desk idea?

I love these drawers for the pantry, which will be where the washer and dryer are now.

I like these glass cabinets. I feel like they would open up the space, but I would probably do a textured glass and not clear (because my cabinets aren't usually the neatest).

I really like this microwave shelf. Right now our microwave (bright blue, from Chip's college days) is on a tray table.

This would be great to hide the microwave too:

I like this wine bar for under the window next to the refrigerator. I think more cabinet space is definitely needed in the kitchen.

This project is probably a ways off because we have to save the money to start it, but I really want to redo the kitchen and make it more functional, but not lose the character that is there because the house was built in the 1950s so to take away that would be terrible. I want to go modern, but contemporary. We will see what happens....

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

The end is in sight!

As I realized last night, I have not posted in my blog in over a month. This is due to my crazy schedule. I started my FINAL session of nursing school at the end of August. I am completing my med-surg (ICU/ER), leadership, and community health rotations and classes right now. I am realizing now that I am really beginning to run out of energy with this program. I am beginning to feel like I could only go so fast for so long, and I have reached my wall. This session is a "regular college semester" of 14 weeks so this is double as long as our past sessions of 6 weeks. I think everyone is struggling with the "slow" pace of this session. My sleep schedule and daily schedule are all over the place. Each night before bed Chip asks me what is going on for the next day because a lot of times he (and even me) can't even keep up with the daily schedule.

I am beginning to look for jobs which is exciting and extremely scary at the same time. I really want to work in Labor & Delivery or a Women's health area in a hospital. My second choice would be an operating room, and my third choice would be NICU (Neonatal ICU) or Pediatrics. Unfortunately these are the most popular areas to work in and most of them require experience. I am hoping that all my other work experience and work ethic will overshadow my lack of experience. I also stand by what I always said when looking for a PR job--"How am I supposed to get experience if no one will hire me?" 

I have decided that this job search (and many other areas of my life that I worry about) must go into God's hands and I cannot control this so I am depending on Him and everyday try to give it all to Him. I find that I struggle to depend on God and allow Him to take over in my life. I was reading last night in a book ("Balance That Works When Life Doesn't" by Susie Larson) about finding balance in your life and found what the author had to say very interesting. She said that one time the Lord spoke to her and said: You are living in the 'next' moment and missing the present one. You are so focused on your destination that you are only thinking about getting there. Did you happen to notice everything else around you?...You are missing so much of the journey because your mind is on the destination. All I could say was "WOW!" That is me right now. I am so focused on just being done with school that I cannot enjoy (and I use enjoy very lightly because I am not sure how much you can enjoy tests, studying, and late nights) nursing school and the place that God has put me. I should be so thankful to even be in this program right now and the impact I am making in my patient's lives, but all I can focus on are the little things that I cannot control. 

My goal for the next 2 months (only 2 more months!!!!) is going to be to trust in God that He has control over Chip and my life and our future together. I am going to start by praying this prayer (also in the book) everyday when I get up and saying this scripture:
Dear Father, 
You have done so much for me (and my family), and I thank You with all my heart. I don't know why I sometimes choose the less-than-best path when I know there is a better way. Motivate me to start anew today. Help me to find my way to the peace You provide. I want to take what You have given and give You a return on Your investment. Create in me an excitement to live a healthier life. I love You. Amen. 

"Then Jesus said, 'Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke fits perfectly, and the burden I give you is light." Matthew 11:28-30

I will try to be better about updates on my blog and ask everyone to hold me accountable. 

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

DC in July

I got a few days off between session at school, so Chip and I decided we needed to get away. We went to Washington, DC for four days. We were there over the Fourth of July. We decided to drive because it was cheaper than flying. It was a 14-hour drive that we broke up into two days on the way there. We pretty much drove until we couldn't drive anymore. Then, once we got there, we walked until we couldn't walk anymore. We stayed at a great hotel not too far from the White House and the Mall. It was about 10-15 blocks. The metro was great once we figured it out. The hotel was in the middle of Thomas Circle.

Driving into the city, Chip was like a child at Disneyworld. He was in heaven! We got to the hotel in the afternoon so we went to see all the monuments and memorials at the Mall.

 On day 2, we went to the American History Museum, Air & Space Museum, and Holocaust Museum. The Holocaust Museum was very crowded. It did not seem very crowded until you went into the museums, but all the people seemed to spread out once you got inside. It was very hard since I am so short to see some of the exhibits. There were a lot of screaming children by the end of the day that were tired and parents that looked very worn out. A great place for children who want to learn, but I guess they have their limits as well.

On the third day, we went to the Capitol building, Library of Congress, and Arlington Cemetery. Chip loved the Library of Congress. He was very upset that he couldn't go into the Library and look at the books. After all the walking we had already done, we decided to take the bus at Arlington. The bus took us to the Kennedy grave site, Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and Arlington House. It was a little warmer this day so it would have been exhausting to try and walk to all of these sites. If you haven't been to Arlington, it is a huge cemetery and could take all day to walk, we had only an afternoon. For both of us, it was a very serious experience to be at the Arlington Cemetery. We were both shocked at people who were taking their "fun family photo" just down from the Kennedy grave site. It was almost like people didn't really grasp what the Cemetery was all about. Maybe I am just more serious than most...

On the last day (the Fourth of July), I was able to talk Chip into laying by the pool in the morning, then we went to the American Art Museum and to the Mall for the fireworks. We sat next to the Washington Monument to watch the fireworks. It was very exciting to be in DC for the fireworks. There were a lot of people there. After the fireworks, we had to walk back to the hotel because the metro was so crowded that it was impossible to get on.

Then, we drove the 14 hours back home. We made 4 stops and both decided that 9 hours is the max that we will ever try to do again in one day!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Extreme Home Makeover (kinda)

We have now been in our house for a little over a year. Chip's summer project was to build shutters and install cypress columns. These were not originally intended as the first projects to take place in the house. The interior was supposed to get remodeled first. Because we had the very large, 70 year-old oak tree fall on our house in January, we decided to go ahead and do the outside first since we needed a new roof and gutters. Luckily, insurance covered the roof (except for some minor upgrades we made). In April, we cleaned out some old hedges, mulched the flower beds, and planted flowers in window boxes. Chip worked really hard to help save some money and build the shutters himself. Considering he has never really built anything before, he did a GREAT job! My brother helped him with the columns because they were solid cypress. I was shocked at how different it made our house look with new plants, paint, shutters, and columns. The next step will be to put a drive pad in so we don't have to do the constant "car shuffle" at night. Then, we will work on the backyard. Chip was so handy that he is going to work on building a deck next spring/summer. The backyard will have to wait until next year. Here are a few before and after pictures of the house. 



After (hedges are gone in front of door too)

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

First attempt at this

So I have been saying for months that I was going to start a blog. I have no idea when I will have time to post on it or what I will post, so this could be interesting. I never thought I would do this pre-kids because what exciting happens in a young, busy couple's life....from the past year- A LOT! If you know me I never have a camera on me (except for my phone). I don't even own a camera. The one we have is Chip's camera that he got for his birthday a few years ago when we were still dating, but I guess since I married him it is mine now too. Maybe if I start blogging now and get used to having to take pictures then our children (still a few years down the road) will have pictures of their childhood. I hope everyone can hang in with me throughout this as I get used to it and hopefully don't forget about it like I tend to these days. Worth a shot right?