Thursday, November 11, 2010

Only One More Month!

I am such a terrible blogger. I keep saying to myself (yes, I talk to myself all the time) that I am going to try and be a better blogger and post more than once a month. Well, it hasn't happened. Let's see what has been going on over the past month....

I was able to go with my mother in law, Dianne; sister in law, Allison; and Chip's cousin, Jackie to look at wedding dresses for Allison who is getting married in June. She had found a dress the day before we went so we got to do the easy part of wedding dress shopping and were able to see the dress she picked out. She also picked out the bridesmaid's dresses, which are very pretty. She is so happy to be getting married and I am happy to be apart of her big day.

We had a good Halloween. We were able to give candy out to all the kids that came by. There were a lot more than I thought would come, but we still had a lot of candy left. I think I overbought! Chip is going to take some up to school to give his kids because we don't need it all here at the house. 

At the beginning of November, I had to take a comprehensive exam that covered everything we have learned over the past year and predicted how we would do on the NCLEX (nursing licensing test). Quite an overwhelming task I must say. It was based on tests we have taken for each class that we have finished. I have had to retake two tests, so it made it difficult going in not knowing if I would pass this one. We had three chances to pass, but I really wanted to be done with the first test--and I passed on the first time!! I was so excited. I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off of me. I can relax and just take the tests we have taken since January.

I also had a job interview on Tuesday for my dream job--labor and delivery at the Med. The Med is a local hospital that takes in a lot of high-risk patients. The pregnancies that they see are very high risk. It would be an excellent learning experience and I am honored just to be interviewed. I should be finding out something by the end of the week. I think the interview went well, but we will just have to wait and see what happens. I know that God has a job out there for me and if this is not it, then God will open up another door for me. I know that door will be opened in God's timing, not mine. I have learned that I cannot control this job search, so there is no need in trying because God has something out there for me. 

Now with exactly one month left of school, I can't believe it is here. Sometimes I feel as if we just started, but it has been 10 months of hard, rigorous school! I have made it out alive. 

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